måndag 4 oktober 2010

Celebrating Cinnamon Roll Day, AKA Kanelbullens Dag

Today is a big day in Sweden. Since they don't have a Thanksgiving, Veteran's day, Labor day, 4th of July, or Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (I know! can you believe it!?), and barely even celebrate Halloween, Valentine's day, or St. Patrick's Day, today, Monday, October 4, Kanelbullensdag, is a very special day indeed!

(Background information about the holiday from "C," my Swedish source of knowledge on Swedish things: he doesn't know if it's every October 4, or the first Monday of October. He says "it's quite new.")

What does Kanelbullens Dag mean for Swedes? Well, for starters, everything you need to make Kanelbullar (that's the plural) is on sale at the grocery store. You can even buy the pre-made, frozen cinnamon rolls on sale! I don't know if it's at every grocery store, since we just went to LIDL, the (cheap) German one (basically Aldi). They seem to be doing really well in their cultural adaptation to foreign markets, since they joined in the celebration of this great Swedish holiday today!

So that's it: the Swedes eat cinnamon rolls today. So Christoffer, the full-of-Kanelbullens-Dag-spirit Swede, will celebrate accordingly tonight by making cinnamon rolls. Mums!! (that's Swedish for, "yummy" ... though I don't really mean that, since cinnamon isn't really my thing)

5 kommentarer:

  1. Not only are your instructions in Swedish, so are OURS! Geez! I thought the whole world spoke English! So annoying! (typical American comment spoken sarcastically)

    LOVE YOUR BLOG! So fun! I will reply on Fbook soon! Love you!

  2. My life just got gingersnap spicier now that I can (1) track your musings and (2) improve my Swedish at the same time.

    Heaven knows I'd sooner skicka kommentar (trop bien!) than read on derivative liability and compulsory counterclaiming (boo!).

  3. Tersea, I'm glad you're enjoying learning Swedish....Christine I hope you can embrace it and accept that there is more than just one language, jeez!!! hehe I wonder how you all pronounce "visa hela min profil" Maybe you think it says my profile is hella awesome... (it's not though)

  4. Actually, we do have Labor Day (May 1st) and we even have our own 4th July (June 6th). You'll find out next spring…

  5. Oh no! My pretend ethnocentrism was not meant for the eyes of non-Americans! :) Of course I can't wait to experience Sweden's Labor Day and Nationaldag for the first time
