tisdag 14 juni 2011


Some stories about a couple of the FIVE daycares above which I live... If this is too much text but you are slightly curious, then just read Daycare 3. It is the best and most "OMG!"-worthy. And I wanted to take photos to show you the scenes of crime to these stories but as there are kids playing right now I probably would have gotten accused of pedophilia.

Daycare 1:
Directly under the balcony. The kids are pretty cute for the most part. They were possessed for about a month and EVERY MORNING as a group, they (very cultlike) would yell "ey ya ey ya ey ya ey ya ey ya" over and over and over again. For the first couple weeks it was only one crazy kid. Pretty soon it spread to the whole preschool class. The leader child would start and then the rest of the kids would gradually follow and it would grow louder and louder.

Some hypotheses:

The kids seemed to yell this when one of them was on the bouncy horse. Maybe they were trying to say "yeehaw." But the rhythm wasn't quite right for that.

Maybe one of the kids IS troubled in some way and that is just "her thing." (We're pretty sure it was a girl). After a while the other kids thought it was awesome.

Maybe they are yelling "Heja!" to each other which is a way to cheer someone on when for example running a marathon, or riding a bouncy horse.

(We think it's the third one.)

Daycare 2:
I'm not really sure where this daycare is, probably far away... (under another apartment building). All I know is standing on my balcony I looked down and saw some kids running down the very long courtyard (like 4 blocks long). Just a couple tiny toddlers by themselves, wearing protective neon vests. Then a couple other kids. Then more. Then 5 more kids. Then some walking kids. "Where the hell is the teacher!!!?!??!" I wondered. I looked at the first kids and they were already a couple blocks up almost to the fountain at the end of the courtyard (nearing the street, mind you). Looked back a block the other way, THERE was one teacher, pushing a stroller and lovingly caring for a few of the toddlers. (keyword, FEW). I couldn't watch anymore. I know corporal punishment is illegal here, but is yelling so kids a mile away can hear also illegal? And why is unemployment such a problem here if these daycares have a 1:20 ratio? SORRY I promise I am not bashing Sweden. This is clearly not typical daycare protocol.

This is a dramatic shot I found online. Taken from where the front kids were, showing the peril they were headed for.

Daycare 3:
Another mysterious daycare was playing in a little sandbox mini-playground. And I was creepily creeping on them. One kid was throwing sand in another kid's face. The poor victim was powerlessly trying to cover his face and otherwise just sitting there and taking it. A daycare teacher was miraculously present (I know, right?) and started making her way toward the kids. Ooh! I thought I want to analyze how they discipline around here! How very interesting, you know? Would she avoid negative words like "no" or "don't"-? Would she opt for "we"-? Would she say please? What tone would she use? The suspense was killing me as the woman approached the children. You know what happened next?


The daycare lady continued walking past the sand-thrower, made her way to the swings, and started swinging.

I'm not saying this is how everyone here is. Surely not. But when living above a daycare you get to see what goes on when the parents are NOT there! Most of the shit that goes down down there would not have been tolerated at the daycare where I used to work!!

(Positive Plug:) But other than that Sweden is VERY child friendly. At least I think they are, because their second biggest city is more child friendly than my hometown in KS. And daycare only costs like $150 a month. That's pretty awesome. (Unless they let kids throw sand in each other's faces, unsupervised.)


Oh yeah! You didn't care about any of that stuff I just wrote! Sorry, it'd be a waste to erase it all now. Anyway I'll have to share pics and stories of my actual life another time.

In recent news, I found a book in the elevator! Marley och Jag. :) I applied my 24-hour rule and then quickly went back to get it before another thief did (since the owner was obviously out of the picture by then). I'll put it back after I read it.

Just too cute to leave unwanted in the dirty elevator.

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