söndag 28 november 2010

Comparing Bios

Bio is short for biograf, which is the Swedish word for cinema.  So far I've been to the Swedish bio 3 times. (That doesn't count Haga Bion, my favorite, which always shows international movies including lots of French ones!!!) Anyway I've figured out a list of ways that Swedish and American cinemas are different AKA things I think are better in my home cinemas. (Sorry Swedes! Let me be ethnocentric, I'm a tad homesick!!)

The following list compares 2 different big and nice Swedish movie theaters I've been to 3 times (but not Hagabion!) to, say, the Warrens in Wichita, and even North Rock.

1. The talking norms- I noticed this one the second I set foot in the theater in Växjö last summer. You walk in to find your (reserved--one pro of the theaters here) seat before the movie and feel like you're walking into a high school cafeteria. Apparently it's totally fine in Sweden to have loud conversations before the movie starts (even during the previews). You can pick out the most interesting conversation in the theater and listen to it, since they are all equally audible. Last night's highlight was the people behind us very obviously making fun of the people in front of us. Magically, the people in front of us didn't notice because they were talking and surfing on their phone.

Then, finally after the previews, when the lights finally turn off (see #2) and the opening credits are rolling, most people start to shut up. I really missed the "message" from Warren or Dickinson theaters telling us we still have time to get popcorn and drinks, to turn off the cellphones and to be quiet. This is probably just me but I swear that people have been laughing much more loudly at movies here than at home. Or maybe the movies I saw here were funnier? (Sidenote: A funny thing I've noticed going to see subtitled movies is that you can tell apart who's reading and who's listening... the subtitle readers always laugh after the non-subtitle-readers... It's funny because it sounds like a delayed reaction... I catch myself doing it at the movies at Hagabion too).

2. The lights- The lights, err... spot lights, are shining on you until the second before the  movie starts. I miss going in to the dark theater and enjoying the previews in peace and...darkness.

3. The seating set-up- So maybe this is just these theaters and I'm sure there are other theaters in the states like this too. But I felt like I was in a very crowded stadium. In Wichita theaters, the floor is either inclined, giving everyone plenty of foot room under the seat in front of them, or there are 6-inch high steps that are long for plenty of foot room. In the theater here, each row (I'm not complaining or anything but last night's theater had all of 8 rows) is on its own tall and steep step.  So tall and steep that if you try to stretch out your cramped leg, you might just kick the person in front of you in the head.

To be fair, that last one has an up-side, in that there's no way your view can be blocked by someone's huge head, so that's nice! Especially if you're all the way back in row 8, far away from the screen.

Those are my rants for today... I think America gets enough shit to justify this list! I should add that the 3 movies I've watched at these theaters (The Hangover, Inception, and most recently The Social Network) have been enjoyable, so I guess the theater didn't ruin the experience! And speaking of America, I'll post pictures of my successful Thanksgiving dinner next time!

Miss you all, even you Mr. Bill Warren!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Speaking of going to the movies. We saw the latest installment of HP Friday and you are so right, the whole commercial thingi going on forever, the lights being on until the actual movie starts, the chatter, phone calls and SMS beeping are really annoying.

    There is one "adult" (no, not XXX) theater though here in town, the VIP, for grown-ups only, but they usually show arty movies, which is a shame, but the chairs are super comfy.

  2. I assume you mean the VIP salong at Bergagkungen? Otherwise I couldn't find it online! I hadn't even thought of that though, good to know there's possibility for a pleasant viewing experience. Thanks for the tip! :)
